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A Possibilitator takes Radical Responsibility for Possibility.
A Library takes Radical Responsibility for Books.
Combine these two and you have a 'Possibilitator Library', open 24 hours a day around the world, with books from the Matrix-Building Possibilitator Reading List!
Happy Matrix Building reading!
PS: Please remember to register the Matrix Code for each book you read in your free account at StartOver.xyz.
You can find the Matrix Codes online at:
Possibilitator Library
"Books becoming legends."
The Possibilitator Library is a decentralized library of specially hand-picked Matrix-Building Possibilitator books.
This Library was created to share books within the Possibilitator training gameworld as energetic food for Possibilitators on the Path.
The Possibility Library makes it unnecessary for every Possibilitator to buy each book just for him or herselfBOOKS BECOMING LEGENDS
Imagine reading a book that has been read by many of your colleagues in the Possibilitator Path - maybe even 10 years ago!
You instantly have a conversation to engage!
1. Reading books from the Possibilitator Recommended Books List builds the specific Matrix needed by a professional Possibilitator.
2. Physical books have a smell and a feel that e-books do not. Reading books made from organic material seems to build more long-lasting Matrix than reading e-books on a kindle.
3. The Possibilitator Library is a virtual library with real paper books. It works like this:
>>>>>Either you ask the Possibilitator Creation Village Telegram Group (see below) if anyone can send you your next book to read, or,
>>>>>You offer to deliver the book you have just finished reading to anyone in the Possibility Creation Village who needs to read it next.
4. The current Holder of the book does not own the book. The current Holder of the book promises to read the book - cover-to-cover - within 3 months of the day they receive the book, and then offer it to the Village immediately after that.
5. The Holder of the book promises to NOT put the book on their shelf and forget about it, thinking that they will read it sometime. This way the book does not get 'accidentally' taken out of circulation.
6. The Holder of the book promises to pay for the 'snail-mail' postage to send a book to anyone from the Village anywhere in the world at the Holder's cost.
7. The Holder of the book promises to sign and date inside the cover after they have read the book, making sure to have left enough space for many many readers to sign their name.
8. The Holder of the book promises to lovingly care about any Possibilitator Library book in their possession - not to fold over the pages or underline or make notes in the margins - and to use high quality paper glue to repair any minor damages that may have occurred during handling or shipping.
9. The Holder of the book promises to send the Possibilitator Library book onwards to the next reader WITHOUT USING ANY PLASTIC in the packing.
Cut your recycled cardboard with strong scissors or a small serrated knife.
Be sure to leave 6cm or more for punching holes with a small screwdriver.
Make your Needle by straightening out a large metal paperclip and using pliers to shape the 'Eye Of The Needle' at one end. This is cactus fiber twine, pure nature.
After sewing the twine through all of the holes, knot off your twine. Voila! Ready to send. No plastic!
Get creative with tying your packages closed.
Ready to ship anywhere in the world without using plastic.
Now it is time to do those 'Standing In Line At The Post Office' Experiments!
Another plastic-free transaction!
SPECIAL CHALLENGE: How many Archetypal features can you find in this interaction?
Archan Relating includes the Archetypal Bodies.
(We already see 7.)
'Possibility Creation Village'
is the Telegram Group where we offer and ask for Possibility Library book exchanges!
How does it go?
First, download the free Telegram APP onto your phone or laptop.
Then click on the link below to join our Possibility Creation Village Telegram Group.
Introduce yourself in the Group. Please use your real first and last name - the name that is in your passport. Please upload a face-front photo of yourself.
NOTE: Please read and understand the Rules Of Engagement for our Group. The Rules Of Engagement are saved in a 'pinned message' at the top of the messages.
What is your next book journey?
How It Works
Read the book!
From the first to the last page. Within 3 months of the day you receive the book.2FIND THE MATRIX CODE!
Look up the Matrix Code on the Possibility Books website and register it on Startover.xyz
Set up your free account at StartOver.xyz, then enter the Matrix Code there. Use a quote from the book as your PROOF.
Sign the book on the list of signatures on the inside cover, or the first few pages. Please use your whole real name, the date, and the country where you read it.
Announce that this book is now available for the next reader in the Possibility Creation Village Telegram Group.
Pack up the book WITHOUT using plastic tape, plastic bubble wrap, or ANY plastic at all! If you use string, use twine, or cotton, NOT nylon. Send the book by Mule (meaning to send it along with a Possibilitator who hand-delivers it to the next reader), or by Post. By paying for the postage you gain a chance to do the 'Standing In Line At The Post Office' Exercises!
An ecstatic hobby of certain Possibilitators is, once they have read a book written by another Possibilitator (such as the books from Thoughtware Press), instead of passing the book on to another Possibilitator, they plant the book in a Café bookshelf, or a Givaway Library, so that someone entirely new gains the opportunity to find the Treasures from PM. One woman found Conscious Feelings in a Café in Quito, Ecuador, and now she is an Ambassador to Archiarchy!
A Special Request
from Anne-Chloé Destremau
Dear Village,
About No Reason, White Witch of Tenerife, Conscious Feelings, Building Love That Lasts, Goodnight Feelings, and Four Feelings, plus these books translated into other languages, and other books written by Possibilitators and/or published by Thoughtware Press, I ask you to consider a different Gameplan than donating the book to the Possibilitator Library after you have read it.
Right now, you may be using the Gameplan of buying one copy and then passing it along for free as a service to many Possibilitators who already know the value of thoughtware upgrade and Possibility Management. But these books were written to be seeds planted everywhere in the world so that other people can find this work and the Distinctions to upgrade their thoughtware to Archiarchy.
There is a lot of energy that goes into writing a book: writing it for months or years, editing it, publishing it, printing it, and sending them around. Right now, Clinton and I are doing that work almost exclusively alone. The effort that goes into creating a book is not so that only one copy gets passed around to every Possibilitator's hand. These books are not made specifically for Possibilitators.
The idea is to get as many books as possible circulating around out there in the world so that other people have access to the delightful Possibilities of Archiarchy.
Some Possibilitators even buy extra copies of the books and leave them in special Cafés, or on the shelves of bookshops as Doorways for others to discover.
For this reason I am asking you to consider aligning with the Gameplan of helping us spread as many PM books in different places as possible, instead of trying to save a little money for your friends. We are asking you to noy circulate PM books into the Possibilitator Library.
Do you accept changing your Gameplan about PM books?
Thank you for thinking about this!
Love, Anne-Chloé
PS: This photo shows a Person Of Agency who has 'innocently' placed a No Reason book on a shelf in a bookshop in Vienna, Austria, for some lucky customer to find.
Add A Book To The Library
To bring a Possibilitator book into circulation in the Possibilitator Library,
simply copy this guide to the first page of a book.
Possibilitator Library
"Books Becoming Legends"
Read it. Register the Matrix Code at Startover.xyz. Sign it. Pass it on.
Further Resources
A resource can indicate what you don't know that you don't know about it.
Just because you don't know about it does not mean it is not seriously influencing your life.
I Found A Stray Book!
It is like finding a message in a bottle!
- NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code POSSLIBR.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!